The application allows you to select the client(s) and the period for which the report will be done. The following reports can be done:
Table Reports
Payed invoices report for all the clients for a specific period of time
Unpayed invoices report for all the clients for a specific period of time
Payed invoices report for a client for a specific period of time
Unpayed invoices report for a client for a specific period of time
Payed invoices report for the selected clients for a specific period of time
Unpayed invoices report for the selected clients for a specific period of time
Table and Pie Chart Reports
Payed/Unpayed invoices report for all the clients for a specific period of time
Payed/Unpayed invoices report for a client for a specific period of time
For seeing the report click on the image near it.
N.B. We can personalize reports on demand.